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FCCM 2016

The 24th IEEE International Symposium on
Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines

How could we achieve an Arduino-like Fast Start for FPGAs?

How might we provide a bootstrap experience for FPGAs that puts FPGAs into the hands of students and Maker community? With student/hobbyist/Maker interest in embedded electronic at an all-time high, FPGAs should be the turbo-boost for hobbyist and budding entrepreneurs, but instead FPGAs look hard and impenetrable. This is a working session to catalyze solutions by identify the needs, potential component technologies, and opportunities to bring them together into viable quick-start toolkits.

André DeHon, TCFPGA FastStart

Future of Heterogeneous Computing: A government and alternative perspective

The nature of computing is rapidly changing. Heterogeneous architectures are now found in a range of hardware from handheld devices to data centers and supercomputers. This workshop takes advantage of FCCM's location in Washington DC to invite people involved with US government agencies, as well as others who can present a more global perspective, to address the following questions: What applications put a higher demand on processing than is feasible with today's technology? What should future devices look like? What applications will these new devices enable? We hope to have a lively discussion on the future of heterogeneous computing with additional questions and answers from participants.

Prof. Wayne Luk, Imperial College
Dr. Robinson Pino, Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy
Wesley Powell - Assistant Chief for Technology, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - Electrical Engineering Division
Prof. Yan Solihin, Program Manager, National Science Foundation
Trung Tran, Program Manager, Microsystems Technology Office, DARPA
Dr. William Vanderlinde, Director of Office of Safe and Secure Operations, IARPA
For more information, contact Miriam Leeser TCFPGA Future of Heterogeneous Computing