Information for Authors
Page limits:
- Full paper: 8 pages maximum
- Short paper: 4 pages maximum
- Posters: 1 page extended abstract
Formatting: 8.5 x 11 inch paper (US letter), 2 columns, single-spaced, 10 pt minimum font size.
All papers should be formatted to IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines. Submissions
will be through EasyChair at the
submission page.
- Posters should follow the standard A0 format (3ft wide by 4ft high).
- Bring your poster and mount it on an open poster board immediately prior to the poster session. Pins or tape
will be made available for mounting your poster.
- Remember that a picture is worth a thousand words, so use graphics as much as possible in place of text.
- When using text make sure that size will be readable by a group of people standing around six feet away (approximately 27 point font or bigger).
- Authors are required to stand by their poster for discussion throughout their poster session.