Home Call for Papers Important Dates Committees Related Conferences Past FCCMs Author Info Registration, Travel and Accommodation Technical Program ![]() FCCM 2011: The 19th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines Location: Salt Lake City, Utah Conference Dates: May 1-3, 2011 Final Program Also available in PDF Sunday, May 1, 2011 1:30pm FCCM Workshop High-Level Synthesis and Parallel Computation Models Workshop organized by: Kyle Rupnow, Advanced Digital Sciences Center (ADSC), Singapore Satnam Singh, Microsoft Research, UK John Wawrzynek, UC Berkeley, USA Workshop Speakers: High-level Synthesis of Threaded Concurrency
Deming Chen, UIUC (PDF) Mingjie Lin, University of Central Florida (PDF) New Directions in Parallel Computation Models Mary Hall, University of Utah (PDF) Carl Ebeling, University of Washington High Level Synthesis of Implicity Concurrency David Bacon, IBM Research (PDF) Hugo Andrade, Nataional Instruments (PDF) 6:00pm Wecome Reception Monday, May 2, 2011 8:00am Registration Opens 8:30am Opening Remarks 8:45am Monday morning, Session 1: A Sparse Matrix Personality for the Convey HC-1 Modeling Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems for Simulation-based Functional Verification Lingkan Gong and Oliver Diessel Mixed Precision Processing in Reconfigurable Systems 1Gary C.T. Chow, 1K.W. Kwok, 1Wayne Luk and 2Philip Leong Dynamic Communication in a Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Array (short) Robin Panda and Scott Hauck Run-Time Resource Allocation for Simultaneous Multi-Tasking in Multi-Core Reconfigurable Processors (short) Waheed Ahmed, Muhammad Shafique, Lars Bauer, Manuel Hammerich, Jörg Henkel and Juergen Becker Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) An Autonomous Vector/Scalar Floating Point Coprocessor for FPGAs (short) Jainik Kathiara and Miriam Leeser Northeastern University Hecto-Scale Frame Rate Face Detection System for SVGA Source on FPGA Board (short) 1Zheng Ding, 2Feng Zhao, 1Tinghui Wang, 1Wei Shu and 1Min-You Wu 1Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2Digilent Electronic Technology Co. Ltd. 10:15am Poster Session I 11:15am Monday morning, Session 2: Comparing Implementations of Applications on Different An FPGA implementation of Information Theoretic Visual-Saliency System and Its Optimization Sungmin Bae, Yong Cheol Peter Cho, Sungho Park, Kevin M. Irick, Yongseok Jin and N. Vijaykrishnan Scalable, High Performance Fourier Domain Optical Coherence Tomography: why FPGAs and not GPGPUs Jian Li, Marinko Sarunic and Lesley Shannon Architecture, Design, and Experimental Evaluation of a Lightfield Descriptor Depth Buffer Algorithm on Reconfigurable Logic Matina Lakka, Grigorios Chrysos, Ioannis Papaefstathiou and Apostolos Dollas Implementation and Performance Analysis of Seal Encryption on FPGA, GPU, and Multicore Processors (short) Kostas Theoharoulis, Haralambos Antoniadis, Nikolaos Bellas and Christos Antonopoulos 12:25pm Lunch 2:00pm Monday afternoon, Session 3: Applications I Open Source FPGA Communications Framework (short) Peter Lieber and Brad Hutchings Efficient Calculation of Pairwise Nonbonded Forces (short) Matt Chiu, Md. Ashfaquzzaman Khan and Martin Herbordt High Performance IP Lookup on FPGA with Combined Length-Infix Pipelined Search (short) 1Yi-Hua E. Yang, 2Oguzhan Erdem and 1Viktor K. Prasanna 1University of A Scalable Multi-FPGA Platform for Complex Networking Applications (short) 1Sascha Mühlbach and 2Andreas Koch 1Center for Advanced Security Research An FPGA-based Optical IOH Architecture for Embedded System (short) Ling Liu, Jincan Zhuang, Qianying Zhu, Shunyu Zhu, Zhiyuan Zhang, Xinxin Zhang, Lu Cao, Zhihong Yu, Xiangbin Wu and Dong Liu Intel On Comparing Financial Price Solvers on FPGA (short) Qiwei Jin, David Thomas and Wayne Luk Low-latency FPGA Based Financial Data Feed Handler (short) 1Robin Pottathuparambil, 2Jack Coyne, 2Jeffrey Allred, 2 William Lynch and 2Vincent Natoli 1University of Design and Implementation of an FPGA-based Real-Time Face Recognition System (short) Janarbek Matai, Ali Irturk and Ryan Kastner FPGA-Based Solid-State Drive Prototyping with NAND Flash Memories (short) 1Yu Cai, 2Eric F. Haratsch, 1Mark McCartney and 1Ken Mai 1Carnegie Accelerating Statistical LOR Estimation for a High-Resolution PET Scanner using FPGA Devices and a High Level Synthesis Tool (short) 1Zhong-Ho Chen, 1Alvin Su, 2Scott Hauck and 2Ming-Ting Sun 1National SYSCORE: A Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Array Architecture for Low Energy Biosignal Processing (short) Kunjan Patel, Chris Bleakley and Seamas McGettrick 109 A high-throughput, streaming, lossless data compression algorithm and its efficient hardware implementation Bharat Sukhwani, Bulent Abali, Bernard Brezzo and Sameh Asaad 3:00pm Poster Session II 4:00pm Monday afternoon, Session 4: HMFlow: Accelerating FPGA Compilation with Hard Macros for Rapid Prototyping Christopher Lavin, Marc Padilla, Jaren Lamprecht, Philip Lundrigan, Brent Nelson and Brad Hutchings Automatic HDL-based generation of homogeneous hard macros for FPGAs 1Sebastian Korf, 1Dario Cozzi, 1Markus Koester, 1Jens Hagemeyer, 1Mario Porrmann, 2Marco Domenico Santambrogio and 3Ulrich Rückert 1University of Using Functional Programming to Generate an LDPC Forward Error Corrector Andy Gill, Tristan Bull, Dan DePardo, Andrew Farmer, Ed Komp and Erik Perrins 6:30pm Demo Night Tuesday, May 3, 2011 8:00am Registration Opens 8:30am Tuesday morning, Session 5: Reconfigurable Data Processing for Clouds (short) 1Anil Madhavapeddy and 2Satnam Singh 1University of 10:00am Coffee Break 10:30am Tuesday morning, Session 6: TMbox: A Flexible and Reconfigurable 16-core Hybrid Transactional Memory System 1Nehir Sonmez, 1Oriol Arcas, 1Otto Pflucker, 1Osman Unsal, 1Adrián Cristal, 1Ibrahim Hur, 2Satnam Singh and 1Mateo Valero 1Barcelona Supercomputing Center, 2Microsoft Research The PowerPC 405 Memory Sentinel and Injection System Mark Bucciero, John Paul Walters, Roger Moussalli, Shanyuan Gao and Matthew French USC/ISI Checkpoint/Restart and Beyond: Resilient High Performance Computing with FPGAs Andrew Schmidt, Bin Huang, Ron Sass and Matt French FUSE: Front-end user framework for OS abstraction of hardware accelerators Aws Ismail and Lesley Shannon 11:50am Lunch 1:20pm Tuesday afternoon, Session 7: Multilevel Granularity Parallelism Synthesis on FPGAs 1Alexandros Papakonstantinou, 2Yun Liang, 1John Stratton, 3Karthik Gururaj, 1Deming Chen, 1Wen-Mei Hwu and 3Jason Cong 1University of Synthesis of Platform Architectures from OpenCL Programs Muhsen Owaida, Nikolaos Bellas, Konstantis Daloukas and Christos Antonopoulos Programming Real-time Autofocus on a Massively Parallel Reconfigurable Architecture using Occam-pi 1Zain ul-Abdin, 2Anders Ahlander and 1Bertil Svensson Towards Synthesis-Free JIT Compilation to Commodity FPGAs (short) Davor Capalija and Tarek Abdelrahman Automated Placement for Parallelized FPGA FFTs (short) 1Suraj Gowda, 2Aaron Parsons, 3Robert Jarnot and 4Dan Werthimer 1UC Berkeley, EECS, 2UC Reducing the Energy Cost of Irregular Code Bases in Soft Processor Systems (short) 1Manish Arora, 1Jack Sampson, 1Nathan Goulding-Hotta, 2Jonathan Babb, 1Ganesh Venkatesh, 1Michael 1University of Extending Force-directed Scheduling with Explicit Parallel and Timed Constructs for High-level Synthesis (short) Rohit Sinha and Hiren Patel 2:40pm Poster Session III 3:40pm Tuesday afternoon, Session 8: String Matching in Hardware using the FM index Edward Bryann Fernandez, Walid Najjar and Stefano Lonardi Accelerating Phylogeny-Aware Short DNA Read Alignment with FPGAs Nikolaos Alachiotis, Simon Berger and Alexandros Stamatakis Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies Scalable Streaming-Array of Simple Soft-Processors for Stencil Computations with Constant Memory-Bandwidth Kentaro Sano, Yoshiaki Hatsuda and Satoru Yamamoto Memory-Efficient IPv4/v6 Lookup on FPGAs Using Distance-Bounded Path Compression Hoang Le, Weirong Jiang and Viktor Prasanna USC 5:00pm Awards and Summary 5:15pm Conference Ends |