{"id":2698,"date":"2022-05-05T19:24:55","date_gmt":"2022-05-05T19:24:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.wp.fccm.org\/?page_id=2698"},"modified":"2023-04-05T18:33:41","modified_gmt":"2023-04-05T18:33:41","slug":"author-guidelines-2023","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/www.wp.fccm.org\/author-guidelines-2023\/","title":{"rendered":"Author Guidelines"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Paper & Poster Presentation Guidelines<\/strong><\/h1>\n\n\n\n

All authors are expected to give live presentations<\/strong> at the conference (in person or online). Below are the presentation guidelines.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

To All Authors<\/h2>\n\n\n\n

The Conference Publishing Services (CPS) of the IEEE Computer Society<\/strong> will produce the FCCM 2023 proceedings. Post conference, papers presented at the conference and eligible for inclusion will be submitted by CPS to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. This requires that all papers submitted for publication must meet a minimum standard for both print and electronic publishing and that authors have filed a copyright release form with IEEE.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

To help authors meet that standard, this web page will take you to the CPS Author Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions<\/strong> (the author kit) page. This site will provide links to the PDF eXpress Online File Conversion\/PDF Validation Tool and IEEE copyright e-form and instructions for submitting your paper for publication. DO NOT GO TO HOTCRP TO SUBMIT THE FINAL CAMERA-READY PAPER.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

To submit the camera-ready paper or poster, please use the \u201cAuthor Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions\u201d (link below) on the IEEE Computer Society CPS site. At one of the steps, you will be asked to provide a paper ID, which is the HotCRP paper number<\/strong> for your original submission. <\/p>\n\n\n\n


Note that the page limit for long papers is 10 pages (excluding references), the limit for short papers is 6 pages\u00a0(excluding references), and the limit for posters is 1 page\u00a0(including references). Please submit the camera-ready version by April 11, 2023<\/strong>.<\/span><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Paper & Poster Presentation Guidelines All authors are expected to give live presentations at the conference (in person or online). Below are the presentation guidelines. To All Authors The Conference Publishing Services (CPS) of the IEEE Computer Society will produce the FCCM 2023 proceedings. Post conference, papers presented at the conference and eligible for inclusion will … <\/p>\n