Workshop Tutorial 2024

FCCM 2024 Workshops & Tutorials

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Tentative Workshop and Tutorial Schedule

Date Time Name Organizer
5/5/2024 12:30 PM-3 PM Understanding Your FPGA Design Better: From Rapid Simulation to On-board Profiling Callie Hao (Georgia Institute of Technology)
5/5/2024 3:30 PM – 5 PM RapidStream Pro: Timing Optimization for FPGA Accelerators with RapidStream Pro Jason Lau (RapidStream)
5/5/2024 1 PM – 5 PM EVEREST SDK: Towards an interoperable system-development kit for heterogeneous computing Christian Pilato (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
5/8/2024 9 AM – 12 PM AMDโ€™s Ryzen AI Development Tool Flow Hands-on Tutorial Andrew Schmidt (AMD University Program)