Travel & Visa

Hotel Reservation

We provide the following group rate for FCCM 2023:

Marina del Rey Marriott for 269 USD per night
– FCCM event starts on May 8 and ends on May 11; the group rate is available from May 4-15
– Book by April 21 to get the group rate

Hotel rooms can be reserved here. Please book your room early!

Visa Support

For any presenter needing a letter to support visa application to attend FCCM23, please email with the following information. Please note that you need to register first before applying for visa letters.

  • Email subject: “FCCM23 – visa letter request [your paper ID]”
  • Full First and Last Name
  • Affiliation
  • Individualโ€™s title
  • Address
  • Registration confirmation code
  • Paper title and paper ID, if you’re an author of a paper
  • Email address to send the letter