Program 2022

FCCM 2022 Preliminary Program

*All times shown in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)

Sunday – May 15 (Workshops & Tutorials)

Monday – May 16

indicates best paper candidate

9:00 am – 9:15 am Opening
9:15 am – 10:45 am Session 1 – Tools
Chair: Andreas Koch, TU Darmstadt
Resource sharing in dataflow circuits
Lana Josipovic (ETH Zurich); Axel Marmet, Andrea Guerrieri and Paolo Ienne (EPFL)
Dynamic C-Slow Pipelining for HLS
Jianyi Cheng, John Wickerson and George Constantinides (Imperial College London)
Zero Cost Address Mapping for HLS and Optane DCPMM
Nicholas Beckwith, Jialiang Zhang and Jing Li (University of Pennsylvania)
IMpress: Large Integer Multiplication Expression Rewriting for FPGA HLS
Ecenur Ustun, Ismail San (Cornell University), Jiaqi Yin, Cunxi Yu (The University of Utah), and Zhiru Zhang (Cornell University)
Resource Sharing for Verified High-Level Synthesis (short paper)
Michalis Pardalos, Yann Herklotz and John Wickerson (Imperial College London)
10:45 am – 11:00 am Poster Day 1 intro (lightning round)
Chair: Debjit Pal, Cornell University
11:00 am – 11:50 am Break and Poster session 1 (in-person)
Chair: Debjit Pal, Cornell University
11:50 am – 12:50 pm Keynote: Intel FPGAs for Programmable, Accelerated Infrastructure and Applications for the Modern Data Center
12:50 pm – 2:20 pm Break for lunch
Poster session 2 (virtual) 1:50 pm – 2:20 pm
Poster session chair: Debjit Pal, Cornell University
2:20 pm – 3:45 pm Session 2 – Architecture
Chair: Peipei Zhou, University of Pittsburgh
CoMeFa: Compute-in-Memory Blocks for FPGAs (Best Paper Award)
Aman Arora, Tanmay Anand, Aatman Borda, Rishabh Sehgal, Bagus Hanindhito, Jaydeep Kulkarni and Lizy John (The University of Texas at Austin)
Managing HBM Bandwidth on Multi-Die FPGAs with FPGA Overlay NoCs
Srinirdheeshwar Kuttuva Prakash, Hiren Patel and Nachiket Kapre (University of Waterloo)
Evaluating the impact of using multiple-metal layers on the layout area of switch blocks for tile-based FPGAs in FinFET 7nm
Sajjad Rostami Sani, Anas Razzaq and Andy Ye (Ryerson University)
An Evaluation of Using CCIX for Cache-Coherent Host-FPGA Interfacing
Sajjad Tamimi, Florian Stock (TU Darmstadt); Arthur Bernhardt, Ilia Petrov (Reutlingen University) and Andreas Koch (TU Darmstadt)
3:45 pm – 3:55 pm Break
3:55 pm – 5:05 pm Session 3 – Applications 1
Chair: Mark Shand, Waymo LLC
FPGA Accelerator for Homomorphic Encrypted Sparse Convolutional Neural Network Inference
Yang Yang, Sanmukh R. Kuppannagari, Rajgopal Kannan and Viktor Prasanna (University of Southern California)
An FPGA Accelerator for Genome Variant Calling
Tiancheng Xu, Scott Rixner and Alan Cox (Rice University)
A Dual-Mode Similarity Search Accelerator based on Embedding Compression for Online Cross-Modal Image-Text Retrieval
Yeo-Reum Park, Ji-Hoon Kim (KAIST), Jaeyoung Do (Amazon Alexa AI), and Joo-Young Kim (KAIST)
Software defined optical time-domain reflectometer (short paper)
Thomas Mauldin, Zhenyu Xu and Tao Wei (University of Rhode Island)
5:05 pm – 6:00 pm Break
6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Reception (from 6 pm)
Demo night (6:30 pm to 8:30 pm)

Tuesday – May 17

9:00 am – 10:25 am Session 4 – Machine Learning
Chair: Mohamed Abdelfattah, Cornell Tech
FAXID: FPGA-Accelerated XGBoost Inference for Data Centers using HLS
Archit Gajjar, Priyank Kashyap, Aydin Aysu, Paul Franzon (NC State University), Sumon Dey and Chris Cheng (Hewlett Packard Enterprise)
Reverse Engineering Neural Network Folding with Remote FPGA Power Analysis
Vincent Meyers, Dennis Gnad and Mehdi Tahoori (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
NNReArch: A Tensor Program Scheduling Framework Against Neural Network Architecture Reverse Engineering
Yukui Luo, Shijin Duan, Cheng Gongye, Yunsi Fei and Xiaolin Xu (Northeastern University)
High-Rate Machine Learning for Forecasting Time-Series Signals
Atiyehsadat Panahi, Ehsan Kabir (University of Arkansas), Austin Downey (University of South Carolina), David Andrews, Miaoqing Huang (University of Arkansas) and Jason Bakos (University of South Carolina)
10:25 am – 10:40 am Poster Day 2 intro (lightning round)
Chair: Debjit Pal, Cornell University
10:40 am – 11:30 am Break and Poster session 3 (virtual)
Chair: Debjit Pal, Cornell University
11:30 am – 12:40 pm Session 5 – Security and Crypto
Chair: Ron Sass, UNCC
A High-Performance Hardware Architecture for ECC Point Multiplication over Curve25519
Guiming Wu, Qianwen He, Jiali Jiang, Zhenxiang Zhang, Xin Long (Alibaba Group); Yuan Zhao (Ant Group) and Yinchao Zou (Ant Group)
A Cautionary Note on Protecting Xilinx’ UltraScale(+) Bitstream Encryption and Authentication Engine
Maik Ender (Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP)), Gregor Leander (Ruhr University Bochum), Amir Moradi (University of Cologne) and Christof Paar (Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP))
Characterization of Side Channels on FPGA-based Off-The-Shelf Boards against Automated Attacks
Jens Trautmann, Jürgen Teich and Stefan Wildermann (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Precise Fault Injection to Enable DFIA for Attacking AES in Remote FPGAs (short paper)
Xiang Li, Russell Tessier and Daniel Holcomb (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
12:40 pm – 2:10 pm Break for lunch and Poster session 4 (virtual) 1:40 pm – 2:10 pm
Chair: Debjit Pal, Cornell University
2:10 pm – 3:20 pm Session 6 – Applications 2
Chair: John Wickerson, Imperial College London
Fast Arbitrary Precision Floating Point on FPGA
Johannes de Fine Licht (ETH Zurich), Christopher A. Pattison (Caltech), Alexandros N. Ziogas (ETH Zurich), David Simmons-Duffin (Caltech) and Torsten Hoefler (ETH Zurich)
Low-Latency Modular Exponentiation for FPGAs
Martin Langhammer, Sergey Gribok and Bogdan Pasca (Intel Corporation)
A Generator of Numerically-Tailored and High-Throughput Accelerators for Batched GEMMs
Louis Ledoux and Marc Casas (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
Leveraging FPGA Runtime Reconfigurability to Implement Multi-Hash-Chain Proof-of-Work (short paper)
Tong Wu and Oliver Diessel (The University of New South Wales)
3:20 pm – 4:10 pm Break and Poster session 5 (in person)
Chair: Debjit Pal, Cornell University
4:10 pm – 4:25 pm Award and Closing

Wednesday – May 18 (Workshops & Tutorials)