Demo Night 2022

The FCCM 2022 Demo Night is a show-and-tell event, held on Monday, May 16. All conference attendees are invited to the Demo Night to mingle and share knowledge in an informal setting. Demonstrations may include system designs, platforms, tools, and more. 

The Demo Night is a great opportunity for representatives of the most prominent industries in the field to meet with the leading FCCM researchers, which might include prospective customers or potential future employees. This event is also an excellent occasion for academic researchers to increase their visibility, demonstrate their latest work, show how to use open-source software or building blocks, and receive early feedback on their work in progress.  

Demo Night Program
6:30 – 8:30 PM EDT

Title Authors
XDSE: A Heterogeneous DSE Framework on Versal Platforms Jinming Zhuang (University of Pittsburgh), Jason Lau (UCLA), Hanchen Ye (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Jack Lo, Kristof Denolf, Stephen Neuendorffer (AMD/Xilinx), Jingtong Hu (University of Pittsburgh), Deming Chen (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Jason Cong (UCLA), Peipei Zhou (University of Pittsburgh)
fpgaConvNet: An Open-Source Streaming Architecture for Convolutional Neural Network Acceleration Alexander Montgomerie-Corcoran & Christos-Savvas Bouganis (Imperial College)
RFSoC PYNQ Custom Superconducting Detector Readout Jennifer P. Smith, J. I. Bailey, III. and Benjamin A. Mazin (University of California, Santa Barbara)
DiveBits – An Open-Source Framework for Efficient Bitstream Diversification Ruediger Willenberg, Jonatas Gabassi Ronconi, Alexander Petersen and Jens-Matthias Bohli (Mannheim University of Applied Sciences)
Implementing lattice-based post-quantum cryptographic algorithms on multi-vendor and multi-family high capacity FPGAs Dipnarayan Guha (Monash University)
Streaming-CNN FPGA Architecture for Communications-based Applications Andrew Maclellan, Louise H. Crockett and Robert W. Stewart (University of Strathclyde)
A Real-Time Interactive QR Adaptive Beamformer with RFSoC and PYNQ Blair J. W. McTaggart, Louise H. Crockett and Robert W. Stewart (University of Strathclyde)
TAPA: High-Frequency Customization-Friendly HLS Framework Licheng Guo (UCLA), Yuze Chi (Google), Linghao Song(UCLA), Jianyi Cheng (Imperial College London), Weikang Qiao (UCLA), Zhiru Zhang (Cornell), and Jason Cong (UCLA)
On-Line Training from Streaming Data with Context Drift on FPGA Esther Roorda and Steve Wilton (University of British Columbia)
Just DeFeR it! FPGA Opensource and Vendor Tools Have Never Been More Accessible! Oron Port (Cornell & DFiant Inc.)
Person Identification on Micron DLA
Aliasger Zaidy, Andre Xian Ming Chang and Sanghoon Kwak (Micron Technology)
OpenFPGA: A Key to Agile Prototyping of Customizable FPGAs OSFPGA
YUSUR Product Demo YUSUR