FCCM 2020 Best Paper Award Announcement

FCCM Main Page Forums Best Paper Award FCCM 2020 Best Paper Award Announcement

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    • #1589

      We are pleased to announce that the FCCM Best Paper Award committee has selected the following paper for this year’s Best Paper Award:

      Comparison of Arithmetic Number Formats for Inference in Sum-Product Networks on FPGAs
      Lukas Sommer (TU Darmstadt)
      Lukas Weber (TU Darmstadt)
      Martin Kumm (Fulda University of Applied Sciences)
      Andreas Koch (TU Darmstadt)

      Congratulations to the authors for an excellent piece of work. The committee felt that not only was the work and writing well done, but the video presentation provided was very effective.

      FCCM 2020 Best Paper Award Committee
      Brent Nelson
      Jing Li
      Zhiru Zhang

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