Call for Papers

FCCM 2019 Call for Papers

The IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM) is the original and premier forum for presenting and discussing new research related to computing that exploits the unique features and capabilities of FPGAs and other reconfigurable hardware. Papers are solicited on the following topics related to Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCMs):


  • Novel reconfigurable architectures, including overlay architectures
  • Architectures for high performance and/or low power computing
  • Security assessment and enhancements for reconfigurable computing
  • Specialized memory systems including volatile, non-volatile, and hybrid memory subsystems
  • Emerging technologies with runtime reconfigurable properties
  • Clusters, data centers, or large systems of reconfigurable devices
  • Heterogeneous, programmable Systems-on-a-Chip architectures

Abstractions, Programming Models, and Tools

  • Abstractions, programming models, interfaces, and runtimes, including virtualization
  • New languages and design frameworks for spatial or heterogeneous applications
  • High-level synthesis and designer productivity in general
  • Software-Defined-systems (e.g. radio, networks, frameworks for new domains)


  • Run-time management of reconfigurable hardware
  • System resilience/fault tolerance for reconfigurable hardware
  • Evolvable, adaptable, or autonomous reconfigurable computing systems
  • Security assessment and enhancement of run-time reconfiguration


  • Data center/cluster with reconfigurable applications
  • New uses of run-time reconfiguration in applications-specific systems
  • Applications that utilize reconfigurable technology for performance and efficiency
  • Novel use of state-of-the-art commercial FPGAs

Submission Website:

Important Dates:

Abstracts Due (All Papers)January 7, 2019 (Unchanged)
Long Paper Submissions DueJanuary 7, 2019 January 14, 2019
Short Paper Submissions DueJanuary 14, 2019
Workshop Proposal Submissions DueJanuary 21, 2019 March 15, 2019
Rebuttal PeriodFebruary 4 - 8, 2019
Notification of AcceptanceMarch 4, 2019
Camera-Ready Submission DueApril 2, 2019
Early Registration DeadlineApril 2, 2019 April 5, 2019
ConferenceApril 29 - May 1, 2019

Organizing Committee:

General ChairRyan KastnerUniversity of California San Diego
Program ChairAndre DeHonUniversity of Pennsylvania
Publications ChairJames DavisImperial College London
Finance ChairAndrew SchmidtUniversity of Southern California ISI
Workshops ChairEli BozorgzadehUniversity of California Irvine
Publicity and Website ChairDustin RichmondUniversity of Washington
Expo and Demo-Night ChairGrace ZgheibIntel Corporation
Panel ChairMaya GokhaleLawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Sponsorship ChairChristophe BobdaUniversity of Florida
Local Arrangement ChairAlireza KhodamoradiUniversity of California San Diego

Paper Formats:
Long papers for oral presentation can be 8 pages of content plus unlimited pages for references. Short papers with short oral presentation are limited to 4 pages total including references. Authors are encouraged to submit preliminary work using the 4-page format. This category is intended for new projects and early results or work that can be concisely presented in the 4-page budget. Do not submit the same work to both streams.

All submissions should be written in the English language. An online submission link will be available on the FCCM website at . 

Papers must conform to the US letter-sized IEEE conference proceedings format to be reviewed and published. Do not use the Computer Society variant (a change from previous years). A conformant LaTeX template is available here and a Microsoft Word template is available here. Overleaf users can find the LaTeX template here.

Review Process:
FCCM uses a double blind reviewing system. Manuscripts must not identify authors or their affiliations. Authors are encouraged to cite their own work but must not implicitly identify themselves. For example, references that clearly identify the authors (“We build on our previous work…”) should be written as “This work builds on XYZ [cite]” where [cite] is the real reference. Do not put a “deleted for double-blind” entry in the reference section. (Without proper references to the prior work, reviewers will not be able to determine the contribution of the submission.) In the case of widely-available Open Source software, authors should embrace the website(s) but not claim to own them. Authors should also remember to mask grant numbers and other government markings during the review process. Note that there are resources to blind open-source repositories for blind review such as: Papers that attempt to identify authors or leverage prior work or institutional support for a competitive advantage in the peer review process will not be considered. Placing a preliminary version of the unpublished paper on arXiv is not disqualifying, but nor is it encouraged; just because a paper can be unblinded by active search will not undermine the spirit of the double-blind review. Artifacts, including open-source designs and tools are encouraged; if there are questions about how to handle blind-review, contact the program chair.

FCCM 2019 includes a rebuttal phase. Preliminary reviews including specific questions from reviewers will be made available by February 4th. Authors have the option to provide up to a 500-word response with answers and clarifications for the reviewers by February 8th. Reviewers will consider the responses in final paper deliberations. The final round of reviews may include additional reviews beyond the initial set available on February 4th.W

Simultaneous Submissions:
Papers must not be simultaneously under review or waiting to appear at another conference or in a journal, and must not be essentially the same as any paper that has been previously published. If a paper contains text or technical content that is similar to a previously published or submitted paper, that other paper should be cited in the FCCM submission, and the differences made clear.

Reviewer Conflict
Authors must register any program committee conflicts as they submit their paper. Conflicts can include those that have co-authored a paper (in the past 3 years), those that have current or recent shared institutional affiliation, or other situations in which the relationship prevents a reviewer from being objective. Conflicts for all co-authors should be taken into account. Note that if an undeclared conflict is discovered, or a conflict is declared in an attempt to “game” the review process, the paper may be rejected. If you believe you may have a conflict with the program chair, please contact the program chair well in advance of the submission deadline.

Best Paper Award and a Special Section for the Best FCCM 2019 Papers in ACM TRETS:
FCCM 2019 will continue the tradition of having a best long and short paper award. We will also invite the authors of the best papers to extend their work to be considered for publication in a special section of ACM’s Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS) for FCCM 2019.

Special Note to Authors:
At least one author of each accepted submission is expected to attend the conference and present their work. Failure to present in person at the conference will result in the removal of the submission from IEEE Xplore.

Across all topics (and especially for application papers) successful manuscripts will include sufficient details to reproduce the results presented (e.g., full part numbers, software versions). Application papers should not just be an implementation of an application on an FPGA, but should show how reconfigurable technology is leveraged by the application, and should ideally contain insights and lessons that can be carried forward into future designs. CAD papers that focus on the configurable nature of custom computing machines are encouraged. Additional suggestions and guidelines are available on See the ACM/TCFPGA Hall-of-Fame ( and the set of previous FCCM Best Paper winners ( for outstanding examples of FCCM papers.


Questions about this call, submissions, and potential submissions should be directed to the program chair, Andre DeHon.