Xilinx/ARM Workshop
The ARM and
Xilinx University Program are hosting the first One-Day joint workshop
specifically for training Faculty and Researchers on the ARM SoC
Lab-in-a-Box. The latter is based on the ARM Cortex™-M0 DesignStart™
processor core and Xilinx Vivado Design Tools. The one day workshop
comprises lectures, hands-on exercises, and opportunities to network
with experts from ARM and Xilinx. The workshop focuses on
designing AMBAŽ 3 AHB-Lite compliant hardware peripherals like UART,
VGA, Timers etc. and integrating them onto a simple Cortex-M0 based
SoC. The SoC will be programmed with KEIL MDK-ARM software suite,
Xilinx Vivado Design Tools and prototyped on a Xilinx Nexys4 Artix-7
based FPGA board.
The Xilinx
University Program is pleased to announce the Professor Workshop on the
System Design Flow targeting Zynq using Vivado at MIT on May 14th and
Please visit http://www.xilinx.com/university/workshops/workshop-schedule.htm to get additional information and register for the workshop(s).