Home Call for Papers Important Dates Committees Past FCCMs Author Info Registration, Travel and Accommodation Local Dining and Sights Technical Program FCCM 2014 The 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines May 11-13, Boston, Massachusetts FCCM 2014: The 22nd Annual IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA Conference Venue: Photonics Center, Boston University Conference Dates: May 11-13, 2014 Information for AuthorsPage limits: 8 pages maximum for full papers; 4 pages maximum for short papers.Formatting: 8.5 x 11 inch paper (US letter), 2 columns, single-spaced, 10 pt minimum font size. All submitted papers must use one of these formatting templates (IEEE Computer Society): MS Word LaTeX Double-Blind ReviewingFCCM 2014 will be using a double-blind reviewing process. This means that the reviewers should not be aware of the identity of the authorsand the authors will not be aware of the identity of the reviewers. The double-blind process is intended to remove, as much as possible, the potential for reviewer bias that can arise because of who is doing the research or where the research is carried out. Please reference your own prior research if it is possible to do so in the paper without revealing your identity. See the Call for Papers for more information. Conflicts of InterestIt is important to indicate reviewers that may have a potential conflict of interest with your paper. A reviewer has a conflict of interest if it there can be the perception of favoritism regarding how a paper is reviewed. In a perfect, double-blind world, it should not be necessary to indicate potential conflicts, but there are cases where a reviewer can still figure out the authors so it is important that potential conflicts are flagged. Example conflicts include:- the reviewer is from the same institution as an author - the reviewer is an author of the paper - the reviewer is a former supervisor of an author within the last six years - the reviewer has collaborated with the author on any project within the last six years On the submission form, authors will be asked to indicate committee members that have a conflict of interest. This is the primary way that conflicts will be identified so this is an important step for authors to help uphold the integrity of the review process. Please DO NOT indicate program committee members that do not have a conflict with your paper. You may be asked to explain why you indicated that someone has a potential conflict of interest. Please make sure that all co-authors have reviewed the list. Student authors should make sure that their supervisors have seen the list. Submission LinkPaper submission siteDeadline: Title and abstract submission: January 10, 2014 Paper submission: January 10, 2014, extended to January 17, 2014 (AoE, anywhere on Earth GMT-12) To upload your final papers in PDF format, visit this site. |