A Hardware Acceleration of Short Read Mapping

Corey Olson1,  Maria Kim2,  Cooper Clauson2,  Boris Kogon2,  Carl Ebeling2,  Scott Hauck2,  Walter Ruzzo3
1Pico Computing, University of Washignton, 2University of Washington, 3University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center


Bioinformatics is an emerging field with seemingly limitless possibilities for advances in numerous areas of research and applications. We propose an FPGA-based solution to the short read mapping problem, which greatly accelerates the task of aligning short length reads to a known reference genome. We compare the runtime, power consumption, and sensitivity of the hardware system to the BFAST and Bowtie software tools. The described hardware system demonstrates a 129X speedup versus the BFAST software and a 10X speedup versus the Bowtie software. Also, the hardware system is more sensitive than the Bowtie software, which aligns approximately 85% of the short reads, as compared to the 91% aligned by the hardware.