Exploiting the benefits of partial run-time reconfiguration requires corresponding tools. In this paper, we introduce the tool X-ReConf that is capable to implement run-time reconfigurable systems for all recent Xilinx FPGAs. This includes in particular support for low cost and low power Spartan-6 FPGAs. X-ReConf assists during floorplanning and automates the constraint generation. It interacts with the Xilinx vendor tools and triggers the physical implementation phases all the way down to the final configuration bitstreams. X-ReConf allows to build flexible systems for various reconfigurable modules that are integrated very efficiently into a system. The tool targets (re)usability, portability to future devices, and migration paths among reconfigurable systems featuring different FPGAs or even FPGA families. Moreover, it provides a script interface, and all features can be accessed remotely.