Students from the US will be able to apply for a travel grant covering registration and half the travel cost.
The International Symposium On Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM) is going to host its second Ph.D. Forum for the graduate students working toward their Ph.D. on topics that are in the scope of FCCM. This will allow students to present and discuss their dissertation research with experts from both academia and industry who work on reconfigurable hardware, the related tools, and applications. The forum is also a great opportunity to explore future career opportunities in an informal setting (have your CV ready). The goal of the FCCM Ph.D. Forum is to provide a comprehensive venue for students to better prepare for their research while enjoying the FCCM conference and many associated workshops, tutorials, and Demo Night. The Ph.D. Forum will comprise a poster presentation, where the participating students will have the opportunity to disseminate their work to the broader FCCM community.
FCCM 2024 Ph.D. Forum – Call for Abstract
Student applicants must be enrolled in a Ph.D. program at the time of submission.
Poster Abstract
Ph.D. Forum abstracts are limited to 2 pages in IEEETran, 10 pt, 2-column conference format including all references. A conformant LaTeX template is available here. Overleaf users can find the LaTeX template here.
The title must start with “Ph.D. Project …” and the author list should only include the Ph.D. candidate and the Advisor’s Name(s) together with the Affiliation(s) and email addresses.
We suggest the following structure for the Ph.D. Forum abstract:
· Abstract
· Problem and Motivation: What problem do you solve in your Ph.D. project and why is it exciting?
· Background and Related Work: use this also to highlight what is missing and how you are going to improve state-of-the-art.
· Approach and Uniqueness: How are you going to attack the problem and how is your approach novel?
· Preliminary Results (if applicable)
· Expected Results and Contributions: What are the expected outcomes and how will those enable/enrich the community, an application domain or a broader ecosystem?
· Submission Deadline: April 4th, 2024, 11:59 pm AoE
· Accept/Reject Notification: within 10 days of submission (the earlier you submit, the earlier you may get accepted)
· Final Camera Ready Abstract Due: April 20, 2024
Please submit your extended abstract for FCCM 2024 Ph.D. Forum via email. Email your submission to
Email Subject: FCCM 2024 PhD Forum [Student_Name]
Mail Body:
1. Name of the Student:
2. Department:
3. University:
4. Advisor’s Name:
PDF Attachment Names:
1. Abstract: <student_name>.pdf (Only PDF will be accepted for review)
2. Proof of Ph.D. enrollment: <student_name>_proof.pdf
Questions about this call, should be directed to the Ph.D. forum chair, Dirk Koch (